New Year New Lifestyle (Wellness that Works)

Welcome to part 2 of the “New Year New Me” series! Last week, we went over mindset and focus, and how this largely impacts the success (or failure) of achieving our goals. For today’s discussion, we are going to dive deeper by further analyzing what it means to turn a “goal” into a lifestyle. Now…

New Year New Focus (Expand Your Mindset)

Hello all and happy New Year! It is officially 2020 which means we have finally entered into a brand new decade, filled with brand NEW adventures, memories and opportunities (how exciting)! For the next few weeks, we will be exploring various topics pertaining to the series: “New Year, New Me”. And as seen from today’s…

Prioritize Your Alone Time: Becoming Who You are Created to Be

The route to purpose and fulfillment varies for each individual. For some, it’s already been planned from an early age what it is they want and who it is they want to become. While for others, this picture may not be so crystal clear (but rather unfamiliar and almost obscure). More or less, with both…

Prioritize Your Alone Time: Set the Intention for Success

So in last week’s discussion, we talked about making the decision to live a more productive, high quality life. We went over the determinants of what separates us from achieving our goal(s), followed by the necessary steps that must be implemented in order to piece together this bridge. And I assume if you’re reading this…

Disciplined Living: Starting with the Mind

Ever since I could remember, I have always enjoyed writing things down. It was almost as if there was a creative spark within me which enjoyed the idea of setting plans in motion. I was what you’d call “a dreamer“, constantly jotting down about almost every and any idea I could think of. From something…

Mindset of Gratitude: Appreciating What Is

So in last week’s discussion, “Manifest Greatness: Wealthiness Is Within Me“, we went over what it means to truly be wealthy. We are now freed from the shallow and surface level viewpoint of wealth, and can now truly grasp how attainable this infinite source of abundance is. For wealth is within each and every single…

Manifest Greatness: Wealthiness Is Within Me

Want to know the difference between the one who is rich versus the one who is poor? The one who becomes CEO versus the one who struggles from paycheck to paycheck? I’m sure you’re probably guessing it’s somewhere along the lines of luck or born inheritance. Somewhere between the lines of connections and endorsements. If…

Keeping Motivated: Knowing When to Pull Yourself Back Up

So upon writing this post, I wanted to share with you all the importance of being motivated. Why it’s an absolute must we each set our own goals, and how to remain driven no matter the cost. But the truth of the matter is, this “drive” won’t always be there. This desire, or rather “burning…

Balanced Living: Why I Will Always Chose Eating Healthier

Many times we associate “healthy living” with heavy spending. It almost becomes this undesirable option that is left in the dust…when in all actuality it it can be made much more feasible and even exciting (so be it you know what your available resources are). The Truth I am not here to tell you that…