Manifest Greatness: Wealthiness Is Within Me

Want to know the difference between the one who is rich versus the one who is poor? The one who becomes CEO versus the one who struggles from paycheck to paycheck?

I’m sure you’re probably guessing it’s somewhere along the lines of luck or born inheritance. Somewhere between the lines of connections and endorsements.

If you’re like many, it’s safe to say you assume the key difference between the two social classes lies in chance, or accessibility.

And while all of these reasonings are understandable, I’m here to say: to start a journey of success DOES NOT require any of the above.

What is wealth, who are those who are wealthy?

Wealth, as we know it, is an abundance of resources or material gain (aka money). And this amount of supply accumulates into what we know as “success”.

But how does this “success” thing work? Who are those in society who are successful and how do they get there?

Where do they come up with their outstanding ideas, and how are they able to get their name out there?

Well, if we take a look at the prominent societal figures (the managers, the VP’S, the CEO’s, the entrepreneurs), we can see these are all risk takers. Individuals who are not afraid to be great. These are born leaders with an insatiable hunger for change (never giving up, always looking to improve and generate “the next, best thing). These are innovators who think beyond the world’s limiting lens by paving their own path, marking their own ground for new works.

Interestingly enough, what separates these guys from the average person is a lot easier than one may come to realize.

This great divide, this vast disparity between the wealthy and the struggling lower/middle class (as I mentioned before) has little to do with external value but more so to do with key principles and characteristics neglected by “ordinary-everyday folk”.

Understanding What it is You are Failing to Realize

If you actually take a step further into defining the term “wealth”, you will notice it is much more broad (and much simpler) than society makes it out to be.

As explained in the article, “What is the Real Meaning of Wealth”, this term (this goal everyone so desperately wants) actually can be analyzed further by being broken down into two parts. Beginning with the first part “weal”, “meaning well-being” and “th” meaning “condition of”, we can understand its meaning as a whole to be “the condition of well-being”.

And if wealthiness is “the condition of well being”, then is this not something many of us already have?

Pause for a brief moment, and take a look at what is around you. Take a good look at everything you have. Whether you are at home, at school or possibly at a public space of some sort. Notice every single resource at hand.

Now tell me, what is it that you see? What is it that you currently have that is of value?

I’m most certain if you are reading this right now, you are not in a state of deprivation (you have only told yourself you are).

Certainly, you are surrounded in a space of abundance, and don’t even realize it. Whether it be cash (or maybe your credit/debit card), food, clothing, furniture, a place to rest your head. And even at the most basic, intangible level, something as valuable as your health, your loved ones, your unique individual being.

Does this not constitute any value? Does this not mean anything to you?

The Core of Wealth: A Person’s Belief System

The problem with our world, especially in Western culture, is lack of gratitude.

It is this false entitlement to receive without labor (to gain results without working for anything), that we immediately become flustered and want to blame someone or something else for our problems.

We become okay with accepting mediocrity instead of looking ahead for answers outside the box (which more or less are so blatantly clear, standing directly in front of us).

I say all this to say, wealthiness is no more than a state of mind, based on one’s scope of logic, reasoning and understanding.

When I first started blogging, I remember only having a number of around 300-400 Instagram followers (with zero WordPress followers).

Every week, I would pour my heart out into my content. Not caring the amount of views or “likes”, posting solely because of my genuine love to share and spread knowledge. And it was because of my burning passion that I grew consistent, and quickly gained an increasing momentum (which led to a rising following).

I remember setting up a consultation with a prominent blogger. At a time where I wasn’t even working, I had found a way to receive free help through a promotional offer via Instagram. We spent exactly 10-15 minutes, in one single session, going through basic tools, functions and social media marketing tactics that would carry me through almost 2 years later (not only with my newly current blog but also my clothing reselling business via Poshmark).

By the beginning of the summer (in which my blog was only about 4 months old), I raised 100 WordPress followers and 100-200 new Instagram followers (all of whom were very supportive and engaged whether through visible commenting or private DM messages). The amazing part was that I became recognized more and more by other influencers, and even collaborated with an Instagram lifestyle coach who was nice enough to arrange a video conference that was recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

While so many people struggle to get their content seen, I was immediately rising and had I known how precious that simply is, I could only imagine how much greater I would have worked to keep things afloat (even though truthfully, I am glad to have taken the time off from blogging, which I do not regret for a single moment).

Although I did not fully acknowledged all of this then, I had learned this: the key to success starts with how much YOU believe in yourself.

The greatest power you have (a power that no one can take away from you) is your very own mind. Your drive, your work ethic, how far you’re willing to market yourself, are skills that cannot be taught but are purely innate.

As long as you have that hunger within you to become great (genuinely believing in your capabilities and competence and more importantly acting immediately on it), the rest of your results will naturally overflow.

And how this relates to the “greats” of our world is that they too, see themselves for what they are worth (even if this worth is not yet immediately displayed in full effect).

As long as you continue to limit yourself, you will always stay within a rigid and limited belief system (which does and will shape your reality, your actual day to day).

Sitting on ideas, and not acting on them (and even falling “victim” and complained about this) IS what is harming you in the long run.

If, however, you decide you’re no longer content with being stagnant and branch out from this impoverished mindset (learning to utilize what is in front of you), you will have all of your answers right in your fingertips.

When I first started blogging, I had zero clue “how to do well“. But it was my joy, it was my character, that brought me into greatness simply by just being great.

It is up to you to either feed into your sob story of perceived “suffering” or take a risk and do something that makes you most passionate.

It is up to you to close that chapter of pain in your life, and decide you will not settle anymore. It is up to you to be the author of your destination, re-writing your genre from unspeakable “horror” to unimaginable gain.

By committing full time to your dream, you will see results and your desires will manifest. It’s simply a matter of what you decide, and most importantly, when you chose to awaken.

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